14th November: Introduction to Newspapers


How are you getting on with that moving image media language?

And those critical perspectives...

You will be asked to consider this film poster in the context of one of our critical perspectives. You will be asked to support your response, using technical vocabulary, by identifying the media language used to construct meaning. You will bullet point the points you would make if this were an essay question on a virtual sticky note.


Now let's consider the role of newspapers in today's society;

Newspaper Discussion Points


In today's lesson, we will answer the following questions;
  1. What are the sources of news?
  2. How is the news personalised for audiences?
  3. What are 'news values' and how do they impact on what is reported?
  4. What do news organisations have to consider when selecting what news to cover?
  5. What is the media language associated with newspaper analysis?
  6. What are the technical codes associated with newspapers?


To answer questions 1 & 2, we will use the following resource;

For question 1, write directly to your blog.
For question 2, complete the online resource, take a screenshot and embed in your post.


To answer questions 3 & 4, we will use the following resource;

For question 3, complete the sorting task, take a screenshot and embed in your post.
For question 4, write directly to your blog, responding to the prompts on the last page of the online resource.

To answer question 5, we will use the following resource;

Newspaper Analytical Toolkit

List the media language you will use to analyse newspapers in your post.


To answer question 6, we will use the following resource;

You must learn these 20 terms in preparation for next lesson's starter task! Use the flashcards to construct a list of terms & definitions in your post.


Additional Reading (Password Protected):
