How does this 1950s film poster exploit representations that form part of our shared conceptual roadmap (Stuart Hall's Representation Theory)? Write your response in a Google Doc and submit via our Google Classroom in the usual way.
For a further challenge, consider how stereotypes represented here reflect inequalities of power and perceived vulnerabilities during this period (that's deep man!).
Then spend a couple of minutes reviewing your returned smart start from last lesson (Pepsi advert). Use the feedback I provided to make the improvements to your response.
Our first set text is the historical text, 'Woman Magazine'. Before we start to analyse the text, we must put it into an historical context by considering the changing role of women in the 1960s...
Revision: Terminology Match-Up
Once you have successfully completed the match-up exercise, take a screenshot and post in your learning journal.
You will now conduct a semiotic analysis of our historical set text. Write your response directly into your learning journal.
You can review your response against the model response I will provide. How accurate was your own semiotic analysis? Add any information you missed using a different coloured font.
Now let's do the same analysis for our contemporary set text, Adbusters...
Once again, you can compare your own response to the model reponse I provide.
Now do a detailed semiotic analysis of your own magazine front cover. A review of the quantity of analysis will signpost the extent to which you were able to use media language to construct meaning!
Next Lesson
Now do a detailed semiotic analysis of your own magazine front cover. A review of the quantity of analysis will signpost the extent to which you were able to use media language to construct meaning!
Next Lesson
We will be looking at representation in the advertising of our set texts.