Analyse this advert in the context of Barthes' Referential Code. Write your single paragraph (use a Google Doc), focusing on the use of academic language to make your point. Submit your document on Google Classroom.
In today's lesson we will review the magazine chapter in the AS text book (p158-163). You can access a copy of the extract in our Google Classroom. Make your own personal copy (on your Google Drive) and upload to Kami.
Using the Kami annotation tools, add comments to the text book to clarify any information as we go through it. Once you have annotated the extract, you can upload it back to your Google Drive and embed/hyperlink the document on your blog.
Using the knowledge you have acquired through the review of the text book extract, construct a magazine front cover. Use Photoshop to construct your front cover and include the following elements;
- unique masthead
- main image (portrait)
- at least 3 cover lines
- an imperative
- an example of alliteration, assonance or rhyme
- date line
- tag line
- barcode
You must consider;
- typography
- colour scheme
- layout
- mode of address
- paradigmatic choices
- Did you include all of the required elements?
- How did you use media language to construct representations?
- Does the magazine front cover look authentic?