12th March : Original Magazine Pitch


Login to our Google Classroom and complete the criterial perspectives pair matching assessment. You have 2 minutes and 3 attempts to match the theories and theorists. Good luck!


You will then pitch your original magazine to your peers (and me). We will scrutinise your proposal, asking questions to clarify anything you don't make clear. At the end of your pitch I, as the CEO of the publishing company, will or won't 'green-light' your project.

  • Unique title
  • Clear target audience
  • Summary of audience appeals
  • Summary of typical content (appropriate)
  • Magazine format (digital or print or both)
  • Online presence strategy
  • Advertising strategy
  • USP

You need to access the feedback from last lesson's question. Then you need to redraft your response, addressing the issues raised in the feedback. Anybody who didn't meet the 12/20 target must resit the question (using a different text). However, before that, I will construct a model response to the Phones4Us question, with your input and support. You can then use this model as a structure for the resit.


To earn access to the real NEA brief, you must meet the following criteria;
  1. Achieve 12 or more out of 20 in an unseen resource assessment.
  2. Deliver a successful original magazine pitch (get it green-lit)
  3. Successfully match the critical perspective pairs (see above) in under 2 minutes.
  4. Achieve 80% of learning journal posts completed (32 posts identified as green)