5th & 6th March: Magazines (Industry & Audience)


At the start of today's lesson, examine the feedback from the 'For Your Eyes Only' task and post a response via Google Classroom. Address any misconceptions or add further detail if directed.


In today's lesson we will review each of the follow resources from the exam board, selecting the important information and posting on our blogs. I will give you specific instructions for each resource.

Industry (cont)

The Impact of Digital Technology on Magazine Production & Distribution

Applying Theoretical Approaches: Curran & Seaton

Magazines: Online Presence

Magazines & Advertising


Magazine 4Cs

Appeals & Pleasures of Magazines

Audience Response to Woman Magazine

Audience Response to Adbusters Magazine

Cultivation Theory


Demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts relating to magazines by pitching an idea for a new, original magazine. This can either be a new women's magazine or a new non-mainstream magazine. You must decide:

  • Who is your specific target audience? (Reformers, Explorers, etc) Produce a Target Audience Profile (TAP)
  • How will you appeal to your target audience?
  • What type of content will you include?
  • How will your magazine be produced; print and/or digital format?
  • What online and social media presence will your magazine have?
  • What sort of advertising will your magazine feature?
  • What will make your magazine unique?

You will deliver your pitch to the class during next Thursday's lesson. Those who pitch successfully will be given access to the actual brief for your NEA Component 3. Those who do not pitch successfully will have to re-pitch until successful to gain access to the real brief.