Monday 14th December: Podcast NEA Practice


What about a short, but extended, media Quiz to start the lesson?


The first thing we are going to do is to answer the following questions;

  1. How do I record a single audio file using Adobe Audition?
  2. How do I trim my audio recording?
  3. How do I add effects to improve the quality of my audio recording?
  4. How do you export individual sound files from Adobe Audition?
These questions are answered in the following tutorial;

We are then going to answer these questions;
  1. How do you make multiple audio recordings using Adobe Audition?
  2. How do you import other sound files into Adobe Audition?
  3. How do you set up a multitrack session in Adobe Audition?
  4. How do you mix tracks in Adobe Audition?
  5. How do you add key frames to change the volume of tracks at various points?
  6. How do you export your completed multitrack mix?
These questions are answered in the following tutorial;

Once you've had a 'play' and got more familiar with the interface, complete the following task...



As a group, record, edit and mix a short interview for our 'Sixth Form Weekly' podcast. One of you will be the interviewer and somebody else will be the interviewee. The focus of the interview should be 'How to Pass A Level Media Studies'. You have 5 minutes to prepare questions and consider reponses.

Once the audio is recorded, share the individual audio files between you and, on an individual basis, complete the final mix before submitting your exported WAV file to our Google Classroom. You must include the following elements in the final mix...
  • An opening (and appropriate) jingle
  • A presenter introduction (who will be the presenter?)
  • A continous soundbed that is edited so the interview can be heard clearly throughout.
  • An appropriate ending to the interview (thanks, goodbye and jingle).


Tuesday 8th December: Podcast NEA Preparation

I have to go to the doctors first thing, so I'm going to be a little late this morning. Sorry.

Please make a start on the podcast/radio interview script; the last piece of work to complete our NEA. Examine the requirements below. If you have written your script, have a look at Adobe Audition, the software we are going to use to record, arrange and mix our interview.

When I arrive, you must be able to answer the following questions;
  1. Which of your magazine front page cover lines are you focusing on?
  2. Who will be the presenter?
  3. Who will be interviewed?
  4. Where will your second location be?
  5. Which social group will be represented?
See you in a bit!