NEA Aims & Intentions Document

Live Lesson at 11:00am on Monday 25th January


The often visited Media Quiz checking that you can link theories and theorists. The year 12 students use this every lesson and now over half the class gets full marks every time (the order of questions and answers changes, so not just a familiarity thing). Therefore, I highly recommend taking this quiz on a regular basis; it takes less than 3 minutes. The minimum expectation for today is to achieve 20/26 at this point in the course. If you get below that, please try again.


The Aims & Intentions document is the only assessed non-exam piece of writing you complete for A-Level media. It is short but it's worth a suprising amount of marks; 17% of the total Component 3 marks!

The Aims and Intentions document should be written BEFORE you start the NEA, so should always be written in the future tense, E.g. "I will..." or "It is my intention to...", etc.

You are restricted to a maximum of 500 words for this document but your probably won't be wondering what to write; it'll be getting what you need to write down to just 500 words.


To begin with, let's have a look at the success criteria;


Use evidence from your research into: similar products; the industry context; your target audience, as well as theoretical perspectives, to explain your decisions:
  1. How and why will you use media language in your cross-media production?
  2. How and why will you construct representations of individuals, groups and issues/events?
  3. How will you target your intended audience?
  4. How will your production conform to its industry context? How will your cross-media production demonstrate digital convergence?
  1. Explain how you intend to use media language in your production, e.g. visual codes, technical codes, narrative and design.
  2. You should include people in your products to allow you to construct appropriate representations. Outline how you intend to do this, e.g. costume, gestures, setting, props, voices, etc
  3. Who is the intended audience for your production (it says in the requirements below). How do you intend to target this audience in your products? How do you intend to use model of address to target your audience (informal, formal, direct, etc). How will your product appeal to your target audience?
  4. How do you intend to use the conventions of the genre to illustrate the industry context (context identified in the requirements below).
  1. You should refer specifically to the research you completed. What similar products did you examine? What did you take from that research (conventions, stereotypes, etc).
  2. A should refer to each of the magazine elements (front cover, double-page spread, advertorial).
  3. A final paragraph should tie all your products together, referring to the podcast and explaining how it complements your main print product.
  4. Refer specifically to elements of our theoretical framework (reference theories / theorists).
  5. Use product-specific terminology and language (masthead, page furniture, close-up, caption, anchor, stand first, sound bed, fade-in, jingle, on-location interview, etc)

When answering these questions, you should always keep in mind the requirements of the NEA (target audience, industry context, etc). Here is a reminder of the requirements;


Here is one Aims and Intentions Doc that is quite good (band 4); it's just missing a final paragraph referring to the other products in the cross-media portfolio of products and there's no specific reference to the theoretical framework.

This one is ok (band 2) but it doesn't make reference to identified similar products or the theoretical framework and is a bit too generic (not enough details about how representations will be constructed).

Here is another one that is good (band 5) and the only thing missing are the specific references to the theoretical framework.

And finally, a couple of ours from last year. These are both excellent (band 5) submissions:


Here are some resources I found relating to this task. They may help you too;