2nd February: Revision 1: The Theoretical Framework

Each lesson we will revise an aspect of the course. You will then be asked to demonstrate your understanding of that aspect by completing an unprepared task. Let's make a start...


Key Points:

  • Roland Barthes
  • Suggests the idea that all texts communicate their meaning through a series of signs, the meanings of which are decoded by the audience.
  • Signs function at the level of denotation and connotation.
  • Signs can communicate the ideology of a society and, as such, become accepted because they appear natural through repetition over time.
  • Audiences may not decode signs in the same way; their responses will be affected by a range of other factors.
Quick Question: What are the range of factors that may affect the audience's response?

Key Language:
  • Semiotics
  • Denotation
  • Polysemic
  • Connotation
  • Decoding
  • Encoding
  • Sign
  • Codes


To test your ability to define and apply the key language, complete the Educaplay activity on our Google Classroom.

  • Clothing
  • Colour
  • Expression
  • Gesture
  • Graphics
  • Iconography
  • Images
  • Technique (see below)

TECHNICAL CODES (Audio Visual Products)
  • Camera Shot (distance)
  • Camera Shot (focus)
  • Camera Angle
  • Camera Movement
  • Transitions
  • Lighting
  • Diegetic / Non-Diegetic Sound
  • Contrapuntal / Parallel Underscore

TECHNICAL CODES (Print Products)
  • Design & Layout
  • Graphics
  • Image shot types
  • Image colour, etc

TIP: When exploring technical codes, you must make sure that you don't just describe / label the technical code. You must focus on the purpose and the effect of it too!


Use the extract below to answer the question in the 'Unseen Analysis 1' assignment on Google Classroom. You have 20 minutes to complete your response. At the end of the 20 minutes, we will review the responses, signposting excellence and suggesting EBIs. Use time references to signpost examples. I will model a review before sending you to breakout rooms in pairs.

Additional Information: Villanelle (Blonde) and Eve (Dark Hair).

We will use Google Doc comments to review each other's work. Once the review process is over, you will have time to make improvements to your response, using a different colour to identify these improvements. Once this is complete, you will hand in your assignment.