20th April: Dream Revision & NEA Refinement


It's been a couple of weeks, so let's make sure you haven't forgotten: Media Theories Quiz.


Take a moment to review the feedback from the WaterAid / The Hate U Give task. Use the feedback to improve future responses.


I will present a single 'perfect' paragraph for last lesson's comparison task using the following paragraph structure:




Can you identify these elements of the response? Colour code my shared response.

Now attempt to write a second paragraph following a similar structure.


Today we are going to revise Dizzee Rascal's Dream video. Let's watch it first and re-read the fact sheet.

Key Foci for Music Videos

  • How technical codes communicate meaning (camera angles, editing, graphics, etc)
  • How meanings are established through intertextuality (
  • reference to other media texts)
  • How visual codes construct meaning (colour, setting, clothes, gestures, etc)
  • How narrative is constructed (equilibrium, disruption, etc)

Key Theories

  • Stuart Hall (Representation)
  • David Gauntlett (Identity Theory)
  • Levi-Strauss (Structuralism)
  • Rolad Barthes (Semiotics)
  • (Gilroy: Ethnicity & Postcolonial Theory)

Revision of Roland Barthes, in the context of Dream
  • The idea that texts communicate their meanings through a process of signification. For example, the code of clothing and iconography will help to establish the music sub-genre. The hoodie and track suit bottoms worn by Dizzee Rascal in Dream are indicative of rap/hip hop.
  • The idea that signs can function at the level of denotation and connotation (literal meaning vs meanings associated or suggested by the sign). In Dream, the clothing code of the woman playing the piano has the denotation of a smart, older woman, The connotation is related to the cultural differences between her world and that of Dizzee Rascal (the matriarchal presenter vs the black urban youth myth).
  • The idea that constructed meanings can come to seem self-evident, achieving the status of myth through a process of naturalisation. In Dream, this idea relates to the use of iconography related to urban youths; for example, the hoodie, which over time has come to signficy rebellion and social deviance in the mainstream media.

Revision of David Gauntlett & Stuart Hall, in the context of Dream
  • Fans engage with artists and bands and their work as it resonates with their attitudes and beliefs. In this way, music videos provide a 'tool' through which identities can be constructed. This may be positive or negative. How does this compare to historic music videos?
  • Music videos are short, so stereotypes provide a quick way of communicating meaning. Often, certain groups are represented as 'other'. Where are these representations apparent in Dream?
  • Where are stereotypes supported or challenged in Dream?

Revision of Dream: Key Points
  • Is a 'narrative' music video (interpretation of lyrics) but has elements of a 'performance' video.
  • Reflects Britain in the early 2000s compared to the world of the 1950s.
  • References 1950s children's TV to construct a binary opposition; the innocent 1950s vs contemporary social issues.
  • The audience are positioned to question this white, matriarchal post-war society.
  • Highlights the conflict between urban youth and the police (contemporary social issues).
  • Reflects a multi-cultural society and offers a largely positive message.
  • Dizzee Rascal subverts stereotypes by celebrating his success and offering encouragement to the youth of society.

  1. How is meaning established through intertextuality?
  2. List the binary oppositions that are apparent.
  3. Which stereotypes are used to construct meaning?
  4. Which stereotypes are challenged?
  5. How does the text reflect Paul Gilroy's Ethnicity & Postcolonial Theory?

So we need to identify opportunities to include original photography in our NEA. You must also make sure that you are representing a social group!

  1. Identify original photo content / needs.
  2. Identify social group to be represented.
  3. Identify how social group will be represented.
Enter your intentions on our shared 'to do' list.