18th May

Classwork: 18th May: You have tomorrow's lesson to focus on the original photography and to re-edit your NEA projects prior to submission before half term. I am aware that your work is stored locally on your home PCs, so you are welcome to work from home to complete the tasks. Let me know what you are doing though so I can adjust the register appropriately.

11th May: iPhone Photography


Last week we focused (pardon the pun) on the practical elements of how to take a photo using a DSLR and using a lightbox. Today we are going to focus on taking a good photo in terms of subject matter. We are going to consider framing, angles, light, etc.

Many of you said that you planned to use your mobile phone to take your photos. To support you, I found some really good tips.

25 iPhone Photography Tips

How to Take Good Photos with a Phone - 10 Killer Tips!

Before we move on, let's consider the following shots and try to identify what makes a good (or bad) shot.


To practise our skills, we are going to have a little competition. I have constructed a little random subject wheel containing many photograph subject titles. I will spin the wheel to select a random title...

You now have 10 minutes to capture an imaginative and creative photo in response to the topic title. At the end of the 10 minutes, you will exhibit your photo to the class and we will critique your response.

Consider the following elements;
  • Good framing (rule of thirds)
  • Appropriate shot distance (don't waste frame space with unwanted information)
  • Appropriate shot angle
  • Focus selection
  • Lighting
Take several shots of the same subject with small variations each time and choose your best shot.


Let's see what you came up with!

4th May: Photography


What is the Rule of Thirds?


To complete your NEA, you need to add some original photography. After today's lesson you should be able to use a DSLR to take your photographs (before some post-production editing in Photoshop).

In today's lesson we will answer the following questions:

  1. What are the various shooting modes on a DSLR?
  2. What is aperture?
  3. What is ISO?
  4. What is shutter speed?
  5. What is the exposure triangle?
  6. How do we manipulate focus?
  7. How do you use a lightbox?
  8. What is the difference between a candid and a posed shot?


To practise these new skills, we will build a portfolio of photographs consisting of;
  1. A portrait with a deep depth of field (no blurred background)
  2. A portrait with a shallow depth of field (blurred background)
  3. A car
  4. A building
  5. A camera (using a lightbox)
  6. A landscape

We will assess our success by looking closely at our portfolio, paying particlar attention to framing, exposure & focus.


Take a school DSLR (if you need one) and shoot the photos you need for your NEA. In next week's lesson we will manipulate and refine our photos in Photoshop before embedding them into our NEA products.