Course Induction

In today's lesson, you will answer the following questions;
  1. What are the benefits of having a lesson blog?
  2. What are the requirements of the two-year A Level course?
  3. What do media industry, audience, media language & representation mean?
  4. How can I prepare for September?

Hopefully, you are seeing the benefits of having all the course materials and prior notice of lesson content online already. This way of teaching represents a step towards a virtual teacher, with academic communication happening beyond the timetabled lessons (there is no escape!). You should now be able to answer question 1.

To answer question 2, examine this summary of the course content.

Start watching this promotional film from 2:50.

Question 3 asks about the key areas of media studies. We will attempt to define these areas using the following resources;




 The way in which a text is constructed to create meaning for a reader or viewer of that text.


Representation: Pre-Course Reading

Question 4: How can I prepare for the start of the course?

  • Complete the pre-course reading for audiences, industries & representation.
  • Learn the media language / codes associated with moving images (see sidebar)
  • Learn the media language / codes associated with posters (& other print products - see sidebar) 

If you wish to read more about the key theories and set texts that we will study, there is a textbook produced by the exam board.

Amazon link to Eduqas media studies book