In today's lesson, you will answer the following questions;
- What are the benefits of having a lesson blog?
- What are the requirements of the two-year A Level course?
- What do media industry, audience, media language & representation mean?
- How can I prepare for September?
Hopefully, you are seeing the benefits of having all the course materials and prior notice of lesson content online already. This way of teaching represents a step towards a virtual teacher, with academic communication happening beyond the timetabled lessons (there is no escape!). You should now be able to answer question 1.
Start watching this promotional film from 2:50.
Question 3 asks about the key areas of media studies. We will attempt to define these areas using the following resources;
The way in which a text is constructed to create meaning for a reader or viewer of that text.
Representation: Pre-Course Reading
Question 4: How can I prepare for the start of the course?
- Complete the pre-course reading for audiences, industries & representation.
- Learn the media language / codes associated with moving images (see sidebar)
- Learn the media language / codes associated with posters (& other print products - see sidebar)
If you wish to read more about the key theories and set texts that we will study, there is a textbook produced by the exam board.
Amazon link to Eduqas media studies book