Use a Post-It note to outline the structure of a single paragraph for the analysis of this Budweiser advert.
Budweiser have updated their historic, sexist adverts to represent women more fairly. You can see the changes they've made here.
In today's lesson you will answer the following questions;
- How well did I apply my understanding of DSLR photography?
- Can I use the dodge & burn tools in Photoshop Elements to improve a portrait image?
- How can I smooth skin on portrait images?
We will start the lesson with an exhibition of your photo portfolios. How well did you satisfy the criteria? Which are the strongest photographys? Why? We need to identify our winners!
To answer questions 2 & 3 we will complete the following tutorials.
Here are the resources you will need;
We will start the lesson with an exhibition of your photo portfolios. How well did you satisfy the criteria? Which are the strongest photographys? Why? We need to identify our winners!
To answer questions 2 & 3 we will complete the following tutorials.
Here are the resources you will need;
Dodge & Burn Image (Original)
Skin Smoothing Image (Original)
Use the following tutorials to develop the skills required. Follow them CLOSELY to guarantee good results.
Think you've got it?
Think you've got it?
Take a portrait image of your own (borrow a DSLR if you wish). I'm only interested in face/shoulders shots (no full body shots!). Now use your newly developed retouching skills to improve the image, making it suitable for use in a magazine. I expect dramatic contrasts, bright eyes and smooth skin (you can use the spot healing tool to remove any small blemishes too; spots, scars, etc).
Extension Task
Look for other portrait tutorials that you could use to develop even more skills to improve your portrait photography. Let's see who can produce the most glamorous image!