25th June: Attitude; Representation

For today's lesson you will need the following tabs open in your Chrome browser (so that you can switch between them);
  • Our Google Classroom page
  • Our Google Meets page (accessed via code in Google Classroom)
  • This blog
  • Your own blog (so that you can write directly into it during the lesson)


Let's start with some revision, revisiting some of the learning from recent lessons. How much can you remember and recall? The revision is posted as an assignment in our Google Classroom.


In today's lesson were are going to answer the following questions:
  1. How have representations of gender helped to shape society?
  2. Have how representations of gender changed over time?
  3. How are these repesentations challenged by Attitude? 


  • Stuart Hall argues that stereotypes work by reducing characters to simplistic physical characteristics and behaviour traits.
  • Stuart Hall suggests that the media and the power of media representations play an important role in defining the ideological thinking of audiences regarding specific social groups (LGBT, ethnic minority, nationalities, regional identities, etc)
  • Stuart Hall argues that stereotyples reflect the power social groups have within society and, therefore, negative stereotypes reflect an inequality of power ('others')
  • Male homosexuality was only descriminalised in 1967.
  • The construction of gay 'otherness' was historically maintained by media representations that were either comic (limp wristed) or predatory (pervert).
  • Judith Butler presents the idea that gender is constructed through performance.
  • Judith Butler suggests that gender identities are fluid.
  • Judith Butler suggests that gender norms are established and policed by the media/society.

We can listen to Judith Butler explain her theory in her own words...

On your blog, put the title 'Attitude: Representation'. Post a summary of these theories, including the Judith Butler video.


Examine this editorial from the Editor-in-Chief of Attitude magazine / website.

Post and label (Attitude Editorial) a copy of the extract and then summarise the editor's (political) position in four or five bullet points. Try not to use direct quotations from the extract; try to paraphrase in your own words.

Look at this extract from Attitude, featuring Jake Shears (Scissor Sisters).

What sorts of representations of masculinity are constructed here? Does the image conform to any historical stereotypes? Also, consider how traditional representations are challenged. You may consider;
  • Body language
  • Costume design / make-up and the associated subversive connotations
  • Anchorage provided by cover lines and colour choices
Present your ideas on this Jamboard. Use one 'sticker' per idea. Following the task, I will post a copy of the Jamboard on this blog. After the lesson, post a copy of the extract and a copy of your Jamboard.

Back on your blog, answer the following question (5 minutes - if you are struggling, you can always raise your virtual hand!) Don't forget to post the question too!
  • How do the two Attitude extracts support Judith Butler's theory of Gender Performativity?
Finally for today, look at these historic front covers of Attutide magazine.
  • How have the representations on these front covers changed over time? We'll have a short discussion, then you can post the question and a summary of your collective responses on your blog. Following the lesson, you can post some images from the article to support your argument (use captions to date images).

  • Post a copy of the Attutide extract (Jake Shears) and the collective responses (Jamboard).
  • Complete your review of representations on Attutide by visiting the Attitude website and seeking evidence to support both Stuart Hall's Theory of Representation and Judith Butler's Theory of Gender Performativity. Take screenshots and explain your evidence. Look for at least 3 examples of each theory.
  • Start a new post entitled '26th June: Zoella; Representation'.
  • Use this resource to complete a close analysis of the Zoella website, responding comprehensively to each question and task. You can post your work using any method you like; screenshots of resource, written Q&A, etc.
  • Update the learning journal monitoring document to reflect your progress.